Angus’ world tour

Reader’s Digest contacted me today. I just found out that since they published my Special Feature, Legacy of Angus, in April, the article has been translated into 11 languages, published in tens of millions of copies. The story has appeared in Czech, Hungarian, Polish, German, Portuguese, Russian, Thai, Swiss German, and Belgian Dutch. Next month it will also be published in Finland. Suzy and I never dreamed that the story of our little lost son would reach so many people. The thought that Angus’ story may also help even one person, somewhere, makes his loss a little easier to bear.

And we may also have a more direct way to help people. The Institute for Family Centered Care (Washington, D.C), has asked me to speak at a seminar for health care professionals in April. Suzy and I will have the opportunity to help shape best practices for hospitals in how they interact and support patient families.

If you would like to receive a copy of Legacy of Angus, please send me your address.

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