My son is as sensitive as I was/am. He still finds going to school hard, and little things upset him — like animals getting cold outside, or a fallen tree. I’m not sure how much of this is nature and how much nurture. Sure, Suzy and I are trying to get him to appreciate life, but we don’t know why he is still upset about leaving us in the morning when we think we’ve given him every reason to feel secure. Maybe it’s transferred to him in other ways — because I still have a deep apprehension, not about going to work or school, or even of who I am (thank God), but a fear about the way the world’s going. But maybe this too is just human nature. Even Henry David Thoreau (who wrote Walden — which inspired my cabin and this site) was concerned about the direction the world was headed. (quote coming).
Some may say there is always reason to have hope, but even that is a distraction. Hope, in one sense, is just an abrogation of responsibility. As long as we cling to hope, we don’t have to deal with things that are happening now. This is a direct line from a meditation practice — and it’s one of the untold reasons why more people don’t meditate. A heightened awareness of what’s actually going on right now can be pretty scary. It’s ironic that George Bush declared “a new season of hope” in his first speech after winning last week’s US election. His approach to life is sure to send legions to liquor or church.
So here’s to awareness and security. Life in the moment. If I can breathe and wiggle my toes, there’s reason to be happy. And if I can pass this on to Jasper, he’ll be OK too.