I need a web designer to help me fix up this site. Know of anyone?
As I write, I’m waiting for a test DVD to burn on this new iBook G4. I like the Mac (have been a PC guy since Window’s debuted in ’91), but I won’t believe all the hype about simple video capture and DVD burning until I see it.
This weekend was brilliant. Sunny. Simon and I slept in a park; he had a stroller, me a park bench. I have a sun tan on one side of my face. Kind of like Terry Fox. His was sunburned on the left side because he was always running west. Terry would be 47 this year. His Marathon of Hope started in Newfoundland 25 years ago this week. I only remember this, of course, because Douglas Coupland thought to remind us.
I spent about two hours Saturday in a cedar hedge. I’d climbed in to repair a broken clothes line, but ended up cutting about 5′ from the top along the length of the side yard. The tomatoes will be fatter this summer because of the extra light, and the kids can enjoy the sprinkler longer into the evenings.
The secret tool of trimming giant cedar hedges is a 2′ x 4′ plank. Slide it into the branches at about shoulder height along the trunks and climb up. The branches support the board like a floor. Vlad the Impaler came to mind a few times in the bush. With the 2″ trunks of cedar snipped at a height of about 12′, my precarious perch put me in peril of being run through by cedar stakes if I slipped. Suzy and the kids were on the ground gathering branches as I cut them and tossed them down. When I warned her about my possible bloody fate she advised me to yell if I fell and to “say something memorable” before I died. What popped to mind alarmed me: “Where’s Mike Harris when I need him!”
The video is almost encoded. It should be burned on the DVD within a few minutes. I’d rather go to bed than wait, but it’s one of those times you think you should just give it another few minutes. OOh, there goes the drive now. Sounds like chewing under the keyboard.
I’m reading a fun little book called The Cheese Monkeys by Chip Kidd. It’s about a guy who leaves his clingy family to attend art school on a state campus. Great observations.
A quote from the review linked above: “Sharply written and bracingly acerbic, ‘The Cheese Monkeys’ will surprise the unwary reader with some tenacious thoughts about art and creativity.”
Moments later. I got Suzy out of bed to watch our first DVD of Simon crawling on the floor. OK, so I’m impressed. Yay Mac!