A friend called me the other day at work to inquire about my sanity. Which was nice. He said he was worried after reading this blog. Funny how we relate these days. He took…
The bus was empty when I got on this morning, already deep into a “first fiction” piece in the New Yorker about two kids snorkeling in a boat graveyard for their dead sister. At…
Suzy took the kids to her sister’s place this morning. So I’m sitting under an umbrella with my laptop, surfing on someone else’s unsecured wireless network. Wahoo! 21st-Century Risk. My hard drive is exposed…
Thanks for dropping by the cabin, and especially for all the great e-mails this week! Given the response to family revelations (below), I’m thinking of selling the movie rights. 🙂 I’m taking a week…
I’m walking wounded today. Last night I was told that my dad’s wife, Joan, has ”nothing left” to give me as a token of my father. Dad died four years ago, and I finally…
First the cabin was robbed. Then the web site went down. The kind people who host the site for me for free are actually staying in the cabin right now, battling hornets under the…
Confirm $200,000 support for Porchlight campaign. Find volunteers to distribute 50,000 light bulbs door-to-door in Ottawa. Figure out where to get a microphone for the Premier’s speech. Take a deep breath. I’m looking for…
We got the money (see below) Our project will mean 100,000 half-ton truckloads of coal will not be burned. Now that’s cool. Wanna volunteer? Please!…