Dusting off, repacking, reposting

In case you’re just joining me here, Day One of this New Year, welcome! I’ve been blogging at this address since 2001, mostly in a scattered attempt to capture some observations and to share some life lessons. I have done a terrible job of both, but whatever.

In case you missed them, here are some nuggets from the Walden archive while I collect my thoughts and repack the cannon after yesterday’s trial blast:

> Now that Grandma is gone, I can finally write this story. She said it would make grandpa turn over in his grave. I disagree. (January, 2006)

> Ten years later and I still hate muffin tins. So I resolve that 2015 will be the year of truth, reconciliation And silicone. (January, 2005)

> Don’t be afraid to break her ribs. And other life-saving tips. Thanks, JD. (January, 2003)

> Early observations of ’07. On quitting, failing and star dust.




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