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January 2005

  • Balkan. Blogger. Tuber.

    New Christmas Album. Flashback Video: Ten years ago Walden was a clearcut and I wore goofy hats. ( disappeared today, which figures — I’ve been writing more regularly.) This morning I had this great…

  • Toque? Touque? Ookpik?

    It’s -40C today. I want to go to Mauritius more than ever. As I was running out the door this morning, my wife yelled “Only an idiot would go out without a hat today!”…

  • Cold and Funky

    -25C today. I washed my mitts this weekend and didn’t quite dry them completely. Waiting for the bus, my hand was locked as if in an enthusiastic wave. It occurred to me then that…

  • Read it

    There was a lot of hype about Walrus but, like lots of things from Toronto, it turned out to be stuffy-whitebread and boring. Though I did like their recent article on marriage — kept…

  • I like Mauritius

    I like Mauritius, but I’m not sure why. Could be because we share a birthday. We’ve exchanged cards over the past two years (me and an island in the south Indian ocean), and I’m…

  • Insights of early ’05

    I resolve to be more mindful this year, to notice things more. Mindfulness and awareness of impermanence are two pillars of Buddhism that I can accept; it’s the karma thing that trips me up…

  • Look up, way up.

    Sometimes it takes looking to the stars to put things in perspective. Like sudden death and VISA bills. I’ll never forget the 1998 summer night at Walden when I first saw Saturn’s rings through…

  • Ease into ’05

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas is over. I always love it in November, even up to about December 15 or so. Then, ick. By early January I can’t stuff the…